Do you like nature, love to hike, watch the sunset, marvel over the beauty of the natural earth? The art of Nature and Landscape Photography allows you to capture those moments that take your breath away. Here are 45 Great Landscape Photographers that demonstrate how beautiful the earth can be.
Click on each name to visit that Photographers site.
Craig Wolf Photography
Photograph By: Craig Wolf
Adam Burton Photography

Photograph By: Adam Burton
Dennis Reddick Photography

Photograph By: Dennis Reddick
Michael E. Gordon Photography

Photograph By: Michael E. Gordon
Nathaniel Reinhart Photography

Photograph By: Nathaniel Reinhart
Nick Mansell

Photograph By: Nick Mansell
Peter Lik Fine Art Photography

Photograph By: Peter Lik
A Walk Through Durham Township, Pennsylvania

Photograph By: Kathleen Connally
Mark Gray Fine Art Landscape Photography

Photograph By: Mark Gray
Stephen Johnson

Photograph By: Stephen Johnson
John Harrison Photography

Photograph By: John Harrison
Elizabeth Carmel Fine Art Photography

Photograph By: Elizabeth Carmel
Clyde Butcher

Photograph By: Clyde Butcher
Marty Knapp

Photograph By: Marty Knapp
Oregon Foto

Photograph By: Michael Skourtes
Jay Patel Photography

Photograph By: Jay Patel
Paul Kozal Photography

Photograph By: Paul Kozal
Darwin Wiggett – Natural Moments Photography

Photograph By: Darwin Wiggett
Ron Leonetti Photographic Art and Design

Photograph By: Ron Leonetti
Jansen Gunderson Fine Art Landscape Photography

Photograph By: Jansen Gunderson
Jim M. Goldstein Landscape, Nature And Travel Photography

Photograph By: Jim M. Goldstein
John Fielder’s Colorado

Photograph By: John Fielder
Paolo De Faveri Photography

Photograph By: Paolo De Faveri
Pixelate Studio

Photograph By: Hans Jasperse
Tom Till Photography

Photograph By: Tom Till
Grant Collier Photography

Photograph By: Grant Collier
Ilya Genkin

Photograph By: Ilya Genkin
Joann Dost Fine Art Golf Landscape Photography

Photograph By: Joann Dost
Michael Frye Photography

Photograph By: Michael Frye
Robin Weaver Landscape Photographer

Photograph By: Robin Weaver
Tim Parkin Still Developing

Photograph By: Tim Parkin
Landscape Photography by Jeremy Turner

Photograph By: Jeremy Turner
Larry Malvin Photography

Photograph By: Larry Malvin
Michael Potts Wildlife and Landscape Photography

Photograph By: Michael Potts
Nigel Turner Photography

Photograph By: Nigel Turner

Photograph By: Geoff Ross
Patrick Smith Unique Views of Land and Sea

Photograph By: Patrick Smith
Steve Shames Photo Gallery

Photograph By: Steve Shames
Tony Howell

Photograph By: Tony Howell
Holdman Gallery

Photograph By: Willie Holdman
AxOz Photography

Photograph By: Axel Mertens
Ton Reijnaerdts Photo Gallery

Photograph By: Ton Reijnaerdts
Anthony Roach Landscape Photography

Photograph By: Anthony Roach
Ron Dubin Photography

Photograph By: Ron Dubin
Guy D. Biechele Fine Art Photography

Photograph By: Guy D. Biechele
Everyone’s seen the pictures, the truly amazing landscape photographers have taken and thought about just how they managed to be so lucky to get that picture. You know the ones I’m talking about, the photo with the perfect blue water or the photo which has a gorgeous waterfall with a rainbow above it. Well you know what? Those photos have virtually nothing to do with luck and more about persistence as well as hard work. So what must you do to ensure that you too get those fantastic photos?
Step 1 – Research:
If you would like amazing shots you have to do a great deal of research. You need to spend more time every week researching new and existing locations than you do taking any photos. Rather than going to a location that you are pondering photographing at exactly sunset, consider getting there an hour and a half prior to sunset and take a good stroll around the area. Take a few test shots of the location and see how they look, lie down on the ground as well as climb up to a high place to see what it looks like from a various perspectives.
Another great technique once you have chosen a location and are setup would be to turn around and look behind you, there has been many times when the shot I in fact ended up taking was in fact behind me.
If you have found a location to capture your landscape photograph and you want another perspective on that location try finding how others have shot that location. Keep in mind don’t copy how others took the photo, but certainly utilize it to see how other people see it.
Speak with people who hike, these people are a truly amazing supply of information and get to areas most of us would never consider.
Once you get to an area that you think may be an excellent candidate work out if it’s a morning shoot or an evening shoot, then go for it and shoot it. Keep in mind weather always plays a significant part in landscape photography and if you don’t get great conditions the first time around, keep going back again until the magic happens.
Step 2 – Persistence:
Many people go to an area a few times and give up when they don’t get the conditions they desire. You have to keep going back and trying various angles as well as shooting it in various conditions until you get the photo you want to achieve, just don’t give up. Getting great landscape photographs is all about hard work and very little luck.
So start researching your locations then get out there and start shooting, you will find yourself capturing amazing landscapes before you know it.

40 High Speed Shots that Make an Impact
Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010 at 3:44 pm
Comments (631)
High Speed shots and slow motion are very similar, in some instances they are the same thing. Since to get a great high speed shot, you have to record the image at a high rate of shutter speed, and then play it back at a slower normal rate of speed. Here are 40 high speed shots that will amaze you.

Slow motions photos will grab a viewers interest in ways standard still shots or standard video can not. Slow motion is a superb effect which you can use creatively in many different ways.
Obtaining a great slow motion shot requires fairly sophisticated equipment. You can’t obtain a great slow motion shot utilizing a standard, low-cost video camera. This is the reason why.
Standard video records at 30 frames per second. Standard motion picture film records at 24 frames per second. Practically anything that moves goes way too fast for that. When you take a look at standard 30-frame-per-second video of a moving subject, each individual frame will appear blurry. It’s impossible to eliminate this blur after it has already been recorded.
To obtain great slow motion video or shots, you must record at a rate faster than 30-frames-per-second. Low-cost camcorders cannot do this, whereas more expensive ones can.
The highest quality solution to get excellent slow motion is by using a camera which has a variable shutter. To get extremely good slow motion, recording at 1,000 frames per second or even higher is recommended. Exactly how high are you able to go?
The high-speed photography pioneer Harold Edgerton of M.I.T. shot his legendary photos at speeds as high as several million frames per second. He utilized the highest rates of speed for his atomic bomb shots. Many other shots such as the famous bullet-through-the-apple were accomplished with a mere 100 thousand frames per second.
You can start getting quality slow motion without having to go to those extremes. If you record at 1,000 frames per second and then play it back again at the standard film rate of 24 frames per second, or video rate of 30 frames per second, you will get a amazing looking slow motion effect. Each and every frame is sharp and clean without having any blur. (Unless your subject is moving Extremely Fast.)
Many folks don’t understand that video cameras have a shutter. It is because only high-priced video cameras permit you any kind of control over the shutter. More affordable cameras have shutters, but since you can’t control them, they’re not even pointed out in the user guide.
High-priced video cameras do permit you to control the shutter. (The shutter speed and the frame rate are NOT the same thing, however I do not want to get overly technical.)
On all of the high-priced video cameras I have ever utilized, controlling the shutter was a easy matter of flipping a switch. These types of cameras permitted you to set the shutter at any one of around 10 different rates of speed, up to a speed of 5,000 times per second. These were $10,000 dollar or higher video cameras.
As technology improves, this kind of feature is coming to more affordable cameras. The Casio Ex-F1, retailing for just $1,000, was touted as the “world’s fastest camera. It was in fact a digital still camera which could shoot video.
For still photos, the EX-F1 records 60 frames per second. While shooting video, you are able to set it to 300, 600, or 1,200 frames per second. For the cost, it is a amazing accomplishment. You’re going to get smooth slow mothin video of the majority of moving objects at these types of speeds.
The EX-F1 came out about a year ago. Currently, things have improved all the more and Casio has introduced some new models which are less expensive as well as smaller.
You have the EX-FC1000 (5x zoom, 2.7-inch screen with image stabilization) as well as the EX-FS10 (3x zoom, 2.5-inch screen).
The disadvantages of these cameras are that you must have a great deal of light at these high shutter speeds. Plus, the frame sizes they produce at these speeds is smaller. These are the trade-offs.
All in all, these cameras are outstanding.
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Obtaining a great slow motion shot requires fairly sophisticated equipment. You can’t obtain a great slow motion shot utilizing a standard, low-cost video camera. This is the reason why.
Standard video records at 30 frames per second. Standard motion picture film records at 24 frames per second. Practically anything that moves goes way too fast for that. When you take a look at standard 30-frame-per-second video of a moving subject, each individual frame will appear blurry. It’s impossible to eliminate this blur after it has already been recorded.
To obtain great slow motion video or shots, you must record at a rate faster than 30-frames-per-second. Low-cost camcorders cannot do this, whereas more expensive ones can.
The highest quality solution to get excellent slow motion is by using a camera which has a variable shutter. To get extremely good slow motion, recording at 1,000 frames per second or even higher is recommended. Exactly how high are you able to go?
The high-speed photography pioneer Harold Edgerton of M.I.T. shot his legendary photos at speeds as high as several million frames per second. He utilized the highest rates of speed for his atomic bomb shots. Many other shots such as the famous bullet-through-the-apple were accomplished with a mere 100 thousand frames per second.
You can start getting quality slow motion without having to go to those extremes. If you record at 1,000 frames per second and then play it back again at the standard film rate of 24 frames per second, or video rate of 30 frames per second, you will get a amazing looking slow motion effect. Each and every frame is sharp and clean without having any blur. (Unless your subject is moving Extremely Fast.)
Many folks don’t understand that video cameras have a shutter. It is because only high-priced video cameras permit you any kind of control over the shutter. More affordable cameras have shutters, but since you can’t control them, they’re not even pointed out in the user guide.
High-priced video cameras do permit you to control the shutter. (The shutter speed and the frame rate are NOT the same thing, however I do not want to get overly technical.)
On all of the high-priced video cameras I have ever utilized, controlling the shutter was a easy matter of flipping a switch. These types of cameras permitted you to set the shutter at any one of around 10 different rates of speed, up to a speed of 5,000 times per second. These were $10,000 dollar or higher video cameras.
As technology improves, this kind of feature is coming to more affordable cameras. The Casio Ex-F1, retailing for just $1,000, was touted as the “world’s fastest camera. It was in fact a digital still camera which could shoot video.
For still photos, the EX-F1 records 60 frames per second. While shooting video, you are able to set it to 300, 600, or 1,200 frames per second. For the cost, it is a amazing accomplishment. You’re going to get smooth slow mothin video of the majority of moving objects at these types of speeds.
The EX-F1 came out about a year ago. Currently, things have improved all the more and Casio has introduced some new models which are less expensive as well as smaller.
You have the EX-FC1000 (5x zoom, 2.7-inch screen with image stabilization) as well as the EX-FS10 (3x zoom, 2.5-inch screen).
The disadvantages of these cameras are that you must have a great deal of light at these high shutter speeds. Plus, the frame sizes they produce at these speeds is smaller. These are the trade-offs.
All in all, these cameras are outstanding.

40 Amazing Photos You Won’t Believe Are Not Photoshopped
Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010 at 8:59 pm
It’s tough to be astonished by something you see on the web, when you know any kid with a pc and a copy of Photoshop can easily cobble together a bogus photograph within a few minutes.
Regrettably this means there is a whole lot of jaw-dropping photos that the internet declared “FAKE! the instant they appeared. However as it turns out, some of the most baffling of them are, in fact, real.

Standing a short distance in front of the girl makes this man look like he’s holding her up like a little doll.

This is more of a slow motion photo, taken as a bucket of water is spalshed on the girl.

Here we have a photo taken sideways making it look like the shadows are standing upright.

With the banana placed well in front of the subjects, at the right angle it looks like they are standing on top of it.

This cloud seems to be coming from this aerosol can.

Here again, having this little girl stand quite a ways away from the tower makes it look like she is almost as big as the tower.

Once again, the man is laying on the ground quite a ways in front of the girl, making it look like she is standing on his foot.

This is an actual house that was built to look like a missle went through it.

Here we have what seems to be a cloud coming out of a water bottle.

Get at the right angle, and you can eat the sun as it goes down.

This is an actual building that is designed to be wavy and curvy like this on purpose and will put you in a trance-like state with a simple glance.

Not sure why they painted the lines like this, but you can see the dotted yellow strip is straight.

This photo was taken by the Associated Press as this plane was flying low and close to a building.

The reflection in an eye is a hard thing to capture so clearly.

This laptop seems to have a see through screen. However you can tell that it was a photo taken from the same spot and used as the background.

Half of this image is a mirror, the other half is clear glass with a different girl standing outside.

Although this is a beautiful picture, I’m not sure I’d want to try this.

This peice of art has a pipe running up through the water flowing down, which is holding up the structure.

Here the cloud looks like steam coming from a tea pot.

This is another slow motion shot.

Here’s a man doing a flip, either off a structure or a trampoline.

Here someone is just having fun with some food, looks like the leaves on this tomato is holding the world back.

Breathing fire is very cool, although once again, I’m not sure I’d try it.

How much patients would you have to have to hold still enough for a bird to land on your hand and eat some bready?

Although this looks like she is floating on a cloud, she is actually laying in front of a shallow puddle.

The right angle and time, makes this photo look like he’s pinching the sun.

Here we have a cloud ice cream cone, I’m not sure how that would taste.

No they aren’t super dog’s, the photo just hapen to be taken as they were running and caught both of them in the air at the same time.

While he looks to be standing on water, he’s actualy standing on the beach in very shallow water.

Now that’s one big drop. With the man quite a ways away from the bottle, it makes it look like the bottle is huge and fixing to drop a drop on his head.

This seems to be a bubble hanging from his hand, however the photo is upside down, this is acutally a class ball being help on top of his hand while the photo was taken.

This is an interesting way of taking a photo looking in two different directions at once.

Here once again, taking a picture and turning it upside down gives a cool effect.

By holding his hand down and way out in front of the subjects, it looks like he has a huge hand.

This one makes him look like hes holding this structure like a torch.

This is another slow motion photo of a drop of water.

Here’s another drop of liquid.

In this one, the refraction of light through the water changes the view of the lines behind the glass.

This one is done to look like a zipper.

And finally, another picture turned upside down, taken while holding a clear globe up showing the city actually upside down in the globe.