There are several hundreds of world famous paintings and arts, and they would not fit in one review. Therefore, for ease of viewing we have selected a few, most important for world culture and often copied in the advertising pictures . Each work is accompanied by an interesting fact, the explanation of the meaning or history of art of its creation.
Rafael "Sistine Madonna" in 1512
Stored in the Gallery of Old Masters in Dresden.
In the picture is a little secret: the background, the apparent distance the clouds, with careful examination, it turns heads of angels. And two little angel, depicted in the picture below, were the motive of numerous postcards and posters.
Rembrandt "Night Watch" in 1642
Stored at the State Museum in Amsterdam.

The true name of Rembrandt "Speech of Captain Rifle Company of Frans Banning Cock and Lieutenant Willem van Reytenbyurga." Discovered in the XIX century painting art critics felt that the figures stand on a dark background, and it was called "Night Watch". Later discovered that the dark picture makes a layer of soot, and the action is really going on in the afternoon. However, in the treasury of world art has entered the picture, entitled "Night Watch".
Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper" 1495-1498
Located in the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan.

For more than 500-year history of mural work has repeatedly been the destruction: a painting was done, and then laid the doorway, the refectory of the monastery, where the image was used as an armory, a prison, subjected to bombing. The famous fresco was restored for at least five times, the last restoration took 21 years. Today, to see a work of art, visitors must book tickets in advance and can be held in the refectory only 15 minutes.
Salvador Dali's "Persistence of Memory" 1931
Stored in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

As acknowledged by the author himself, the picture was written as a result of associations that have arisen at a Dali melted cheese. Returning from a movie, where she attended the evening gala rightly predicted that no one, once when she saw "The Persistence of Memory," it is not forgotten.
Pieter Bruegel the Elder, "Tower of Babel" in 1563
Stored in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna.

According to Bruegel in the failures of building the Tower of Babel, not guilty suddenly arose according to the biblical story language barriers, and errors in the construction process. At first glance it seems an enormous structure is strong enough, but on closer examination we see that all tiers of unevenly laid, the lower floors or unfinished, or have already crumbling, the building lurches toward the city, and the prospects of the project is very sad.
Kazimir Malevich "Black Square" in 1915
Stored in the State Tretyakov Gallery

According to the artist, he painted a few months. Later, Malevich made several copies of "Black Square" (according to some reports, seven). According to one version, the artist was unable to finish the picture at the right time, so he had to paint over with black paint job. Later, after the recognition of the public, Malevich wrote the new "black boxes" already on a blank canvas. Malevich was also painted pictures of the "Red Square" (two copies) and a "White Square".
Kuzma Sergeevich Petrov-Vodkin "Bathing the Red Horse" 1912
Located in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

Written in 1912, the picture was prophetic. Red Horse acts as the fate of Russia, or Russia itself, which is unable to keep a fragile and young rider. thus, the artist symbolically foretold his painting "red" the fate of Russia XX century.
Peter Paul Rubens' Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus "1617-1618
Stored in the Alte Pinakothek in Munich.

The painting "Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus" is considered the embodiment of manly passion and physical beauty. Strong, muscular arms pick up the young boys naked women to put their horses. The sons of Zeus and Leda steal their brides cousins.
Paul Gauguin "Where did we come from? Who we are Where are we going?" 1898
Stored in the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.

At the direction of the Gauguin painting should be read from right to left - the three main groups of figures illustrate the questions posed in the title. Three women and a child are the beginning of life, the middle group symbolizes the daily existence of maturity in the final group, according to the artist, "an old woman approaching death appears reconciled and loyal to his thinking," at her feet, "a strange white bird ... is the futility of words ".
Eugene Delacroix "Liberty Leading the People" 1830
Stored in the Louvre in Paris

Delacroix created the painting based on the July Revolution of 1830 in France. In a letter to his brother October 12, 1830 Delacroix writes: "If I had not fought for their country, then at least I'll write to her." Nude woman's breasts, leading people, symbolizes the dedication of the French people at the time that the "bare chest" were the enemy.
Claude Monet's "Impression. Rising Sun" in 1872
Stored in the Museum Marmottan in Paris.

Title of the "Impression, soleil levant" with a light hand of the journalist L. Leroy was named the artistic direction of "impressionism." The painting was done from life in the old outport of Le Havre in France.
Jan Vermeer, "Girl with a Pearl Earring," 1665
Stored in the Gallery Mauritshuis in The Hague.

One of the most famous paintings of the Netherlands painter Johannes Vermeer is often called the north or the Dutch Mona Lisa. On the picture is very little known: it is not dated, the name of the image of the girl is not known. In 2003, on the novel by Tracy Chevalier was shot feature film, "Girl with a Pearl Earring," which hypothetically reconstructed history of the paintings in the context of family life and biography of Vermeer.
Ivan Aivazovsky "Ninth Wave" in 1850
Kept in St. Petersburg in the Russian Museum.

Ivan Aivazovsky - world-famous Russian marine painter, who devoted his life to the image of the sea. He created about six thousand pieces, each of which has been recognized by the artist's life. The painting "The Ninth Wave" is included in the book "100 great pictures."
Andrei Rublev, "Trinity" 1425-1427
Stored at the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

The icon of the Holy Trinity, written by Andrei Rublev in the XV century, is one of the most famous Russian icons. The icon is a board vertical format. Kings (Ivan the Terrible, Boris Godunov, Mikhail), "lined with" icon in gold, silver and precious stones. Today, the salary is stored in Sergiev Posad State Museum.
Mikhail Vrubel "The Demon Seated" 1890
In the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

The subject was inspired by a poem Lermontov's "Demon". Demon - the image of the human spirit, the inner struggle of doubt. Tragically with his hands clasped, Daemon sits with sad, directed into the distance huge eyes, surrounded by the unseen color.
William Blake "The Great Architect" in 1794
Stored in the British Museum in London.

Name of the film «The Ancient of Days» literally translates to English as "the Ancient of Days." This phrase was used as the name of God. The main character of the picture - God at the moment of creation, which does not establish order, and the limits of freedom and indicates the limits of imagination.
Edouard Manet's "Bar in" Folies-Bergere, "" 1882
Stored in the Courtauld Institute of Art in London.

"Folies-Bergere" - a vaudeville and cabaret in Paris. Manet often attended the "Folies-Bergere," and eventually wrote this picture - the last before his death in 1883. Behind the bar in the middle of a drinker,-eating, talking and smoking crowd is absorbed in his own thoughts barmaid, watching the acrobat on a trapeze, which can be seen in the upper left corner of the picture.
Titian "Earthly Love and Love of Heaven" 1515-1516
Stored in the Borghese Gallery in Rome.

It is remarkable that the modern name of the film was not given by the artist himself, and started to use only two centuries later. Until that time, the paintings were in different names: "The beauty embellished and gritty" (1613), "Three Types of Love" (1650), "The divine and secular women" (1700), and in the end, "Love the earth and the heavenly love "(1792 and 1833).
Mikhail Nesterov, "Vision of Youth Bartholomew," 1889-1890
Stored at the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

The first and most significant work from the series dedicated to Sergius. Until the end of his life the artist was convinced that the "Vision of Youth Bartholomew" - the best of his work. In his old age the artist liked to say: "Life would not be me. To live will be" Youth Bartholomew. "Now, if after thirty, fifty years after my death he will still be something to tell people - means that he is alive, so alive and I . "
Pieter Bruegel the Elder, "The Parable of the Blind" in 1568
Stored in the Museum of Capodimonte in Naples.

Other names of paintings - "Blind", "Parabola Blind," "the blind leading the blind." It is believed that the plot of paintings based on the biblical parable of the blind: "If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into a pit."
Viktor Vasnetsov "Alyonushka" 1881
Stored in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

It is based on a fairy tale, "O my sister and brothers Alyonushka Ivanushka." Originally Vasnetsov painting called "The little fool Alyonushka." "Little fool" at that time called orphans. "Alyonushka" - told later by the artist himself - "as if he had long lived in my head, but actually I saw it in Ohtyrka when he met a bare girl that amazed my imagination. So much sadness, loneliness and sadness were a purely Russian in her eyes ... some special Russian spirit emanated from it. "
Vincent van Gogh "Starry Night" 1889
Stored in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Unlike most of his paintings, "Starry Night" was written from memory. Van Gogh was at that time in the hospital of Saint-Remy, tormented by bouts of insanity.
Carl Bryullov "The Last Days of Pompeii," 1830-1833
Stored at the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg.

The painting shows the famous eruption of Vesuvius in 79 n. Oe. and the destruction of Pompeii near Naples. The image of the artist in the left corner of the painting is a self-portrait of the author.
Pablo Picasso's "Girl on a Ball" 1905
Kept in the Pushkin Museum, Moscow

The picture was in Russia, thanks to Ivan Abramovich Morozov industrialist who in 1913 bought it for 16,000 francs. In 1918, the personal collection of Ivan Morozov were nationalized. At the moment the picture is in the collection of the State Museum of Fine Arts, AS Pushkin.
Leonardo da Vinci's "Madonna Litta" 1491
Stored in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.

The original name of painting - "Madonna and Child." The modern name of the film comes from the name of its owner - Count Litta, the owner of the family art gallery in Milan. There is speculation that the figure of the infant was not written by Leonardo da Vinci, but painted by one of his students. This is evidenced by the unusual manner of the author to pose the baby.
Jean Ingres "Turkish Bath" 1862
Stored in the Louvre in Paris.

Ingres finished writing this scene, when he was 80 years. This picture kind of sums up the artist images bathers, subjects which have long been present in his work. Initially, the canvas was a square, but a year after its completion the artist has turned it into a circular pattern - Tondo.
Ivan Shishkin, Konstantin Savitsky, "Morning in a Pine Forest" 1889
In the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow

"Morning in a Pine Forest" - a picture of Russian artists Ivan Shishkin and Konstantin Savitsky. Savitsky painted bears, but the collector Pavel Tretyakov, when it took the picture, erased his signature, so that now the author of the picture indicates a Shishkin.
Mikhail Vrubel "The Swan Princess" 1900
Stored in the State Tretyakov Gallery

The painting was done on the basis of the scenic image of the heroine of the opera by Rimsky-Korsakov's "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" by fairy tale story of Alexander Pushkin. Vrubel created the first performance of 1900 designs for scenery and costumes, and party Swan-sung by his wife.
Giuseppe Arcimboldo "Portrait of Emperor Rudolf II in the form of Vertumna" 1590
Located in Castle Skokloster in Stockholm.

One of the few surviving works by the artist, who was the portraits of fruits, vegetables, flowers, crustaceans, fish, pearls, and other musical instruments, books and so on. "Vertumn" - a portrait of the emperor, presented in the form of the Roman god of seasons, vegetation and transformation. The painting Rudolph consists entirely of fruit, flowers and vegetables.
Edgar Degas' Blue Dancers "1897
Located in the Museum of Arts. Alexander Pushkin in Moscow.

Degas was a big fan of ballet. It is called the painter of dancers. The product of "Blue Dancers" refers to the late works of Degas, when his eyesight weakened and he began to work large color spots, giving priority to the organization decorative surface of the painting.
Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" 1503-1505
Stored in the Louvre, Paris.

"Mona Lisa" may not have received worldwide fame, if it were not abducted in 1911, the Louvre employee. The picture was found two years later in Italy: the thief responded to an ad in the newspaper and offered to sell the "Mona Lisa" Director of the Uffizi Gallery. All this time, while there was a consequence, the "Mona Lisa" did not leave the covers of magazines and newspapers around the world, becoming an object of worship and copying.
Sandro Botticelli's "Birth of Venus" in 1486
Stored in Florence in the Uffizi Gallery

The picture illustrates the myth of Aphrodite's birth. Nude goddess swims to shore in an open shell, driven by the wind. The left side of the picture Zephyr (west wind) in the arms of his wife Chlorides blows to sink, creating a wind full of flowers. On the shore of the goddess meets one of the Graces. "The Birth of Venus" is well preserved due to the fact that Botticelli's painting caused by a protective layer of the egg yolk.
Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam" in 1511
Located in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican.

Fresco "The Creation of Adam" is the fourth of nine tracks of the central ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, dedicated to the nine subjects of the book of Genesis. The mural illustrates the episode: "So God created man in His own image" (Byt.1: 27).
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