Japanese photographer late Meiji period Taisho Enami (Taisho Enami), one of the most prominent stereo photographer of his time, whose works have appeared later in many prominent publications, including those in National Geographic.
Geisha looking at the stereo image.

Pilgrim on the forest road.

Torii Tunnel in Kyoto.

The trail through the woods to the river.


Children at the church

Daibutsu in Kamakura
(Daibutsu - the informal name of the Japanese large statues of Buddha.)

Geishas on the veranda.

Geisha rest.

Girls in the lamplight.

Peasant with pack horses.

Break for lunch in the fishing village.

Holidays on the road through the forest

High in the mountains.

Buddhist procession.

The shop dealer copper products.

Meet at the gate.
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